TRNSYS is transient system simulation software which provides good agreement within error ranging from 5% to 10%. Solar water heating system is transient in nature and its performance depends on dynamic parameters. There is a fast growing market of solar water heater worldwide. Professionals and researchers also face similar problems while working on solar energy system. In such cases simulation is a promising alternate for performance analysis and design optimization. In many cases physical experiments are not possible at all due to excessive run duration, trade off and socio-financial implications. Moreover it is not feasible to create extreme testing environments in laboratory experiments.
But real world experiments are full of variations and uncertainties. Rating and certification process involves thorough testing of the product in standard test conditions. Product design and optimization is a process of interpolation through iteration. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017, vol. Modeling and simulation of solar water heater: A TRNSYS perspective

A., Use of TRNSYS for modelling and simulation of a hybrid pv-thermal solar system for Cyprus. Datta, G., Effect of fixed horizontal louver shading devices on thermal performance of building by TRNSYS simulation.& Siddiqui, K., Optimal design of a forced circulation solar water heating system for a residential unit in cold climate using TRNSYS. & Tripanagnostopoulos, Y., Modelling of an ICS solar water heater using artificial neural networks and TRNSYS. HYDROGEMS, Institute for Energy Technology 27th April 2009,.A TRaNsient SYtems Simulation program, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 27th April 2009,.Finally, the model has also been used to simulate a renewable-energy penetration of 110% in the electricity sector and 90% of the heat sector. These include analysing the performance of prototype solar-thermal system, optimising the operation of a solar thermal system, analysing the thermal performance of buildings, and modelling a hybrid PV-thermal solar system in Cyprus. TRNSYS has been used extensively to simulate solar energy applications, conventional buildings, and even biological processes. Also, TRNSYS facilitates the addition of mathematical models, available add-on components, and the ability to interface with other simulation programs if necessary. The model uses a user-defined time-step, which ranges from 0.01 seconds to 1 hour, and it can analyse a time-horizon of multiple years. However, no transportation technologies are simulated by the TRNSYS. Hydrogen systems are simulated in detail by the formally independent model, HYDROGEMS, which focuses on renewable energy and hydrogen systems and is now part of the TRNSYS model. Also, the only electrical energy-storage considered by the model is BES. Overall TRNSYS can simulate all thermal and renewable generation except nuclear, wave, tidal and hydro power. To create a model, the end user is able to create custom components or choose from the TRNSYS standard library of components. The TRNSYS model simulates the performance of the entire energy-system by breaking it down into individual components, and it is primarily used for analysing single-project, local, community, or island energy-systems.
TRNSYS is an open modular structure with open source code which simulates all sectors of an energy-system except the transport sector. It takes approximately one day of training to begin using the model.

16 versions of the software have been developed, and latest costs US$2,100 (€1,600) for an educational licence and US$4,200 (3,200) for a commercial license and between 20, 1,143 users bought TRNSYS. TRNSYS is a transient systems simulation program that has been commercially available since 1975 is currently maintained by an international collaboration from the United States (Thermal Energy System Specialists and the University of Wisconsin-Solar Energy Laboratory), France (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment), and Germany (TRANSSOLAR Energietechnik).